
Are you over­whelmed by every­thing?

Do you want to use the resources with­in your organ­i­sa­tion as effec­tive­ly and effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble? Do you want increase capac­i­ty util­i­sa­tion and avoid over­book­ing? Are you look­ing for a demand plan­ning tool that also assists you with per­son­nel plan­ning? Do you need a com­plete, accu­rate and reli­able overview of all your organ­i­sa­tion­al capac­i­ties to pro­duce pre­cise rev­enue and sales fore­casts? Now is the time to act and imple­ment an intel­li­gent, AI-pow­ered resource and demand plan­ning tool.

s.demand Diagramm
The chal­lenge

The path to the perfect
resource and demand planning solution

What­ev­er busi­ness or plan­ning depart­ment you work in, good resource man­age­ment is essen­tial for all busi­ness process­es. In order to deter­mine opti­mal resource and demand lev­els, derive appro­pri­ate and time­ly actions and pre­dict future sales poten­tials, many fac­tors must be con­sid­ered. But effi­cient resource plan­ning and demand fore­cast­ing has become more com­pli­cat­ed and expen­sive than ever due to increas­ing­ly indi­vid­u­alised cus­tomer struc­tures, busi­ness process­es and region­al dif­fer­ences.

Today, organ­i­sa­tions need to be high­ly respon­sive in order to remain com­pet­i­tive in the face of exter­nal and inter­nal fac­tors such as major changes in price pol­i­cy, com­pet­i­tive pres­sure and sup­ply short­ages. These prob­lems usu­al­ly affect all areas of a company’s sup­ply chain. Start now to max­imise effi­cien­cy of your exist­ing resources. Know your future pro­duc­tion demand and react to immi­nent short­ages in time.

How? By unlock­ing the full poten­tial hid­den in your data! Our AI soft­ware s.demand takes care of your intel­li­gent resource man­age­ment in times of Indus­try 4.0 and shows you how to gain real added val­ue from your exist­ing data.

Our software solution s.demand

Thanks to s.demand, pro­duc­tion bot­tle­necks and resource sup­ply issues are now a thing of the past. Our resource plan­ning tool helps you gen­er­ate pre­cise fore­casts of expect­ed sales vol­umes of prod­ucts, avail­able resources or expect­ed sup­ply short­ages. s.demand access­es his­tor­i­cal data from defined inter­faces quick­ly and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly and eval­u­ates them. This opens up huge poten­tial for busi­ness­es to opti­mise their future plan­ning process­es and var­i­ous needs. Our soft­ware learns auto­mat­i­cal­ly and con­tin­u­ous­ly adapts its pre­dic­tions to the chang­ing con­di­tions. Thanks to its abil­i­ty to fore­cast future con­di­tions and events, this intel­li­gent man­age­ment sys­tem also helps to avoid short-time work. Reach out today to dis­cuss your resource plan­ning needs and use s.demand to improve your sup­ply chain man­age­ment.

Lupe untersucht das neuronale Netzwerk in der Baumrinde.

the algorithms of s.demand

Our algo­rithms break down data series such as order data from ERP sys­tems, his­tor­i­cal data or ener­gy data into indi­vid­ual com­po­nents. This is the only way to iden­ti­fy and intel­li­gent­ly map all demand dri­vers. In addi­tion, all rel­e­vant influ­ences of the respec­tive plan­ning vari­able are deter­mined using algo­rithms.

We also con­sid­er and eval­u­ate exter­nal sources of infor­ma­tion where required, as well as short-term, long-term and spon­ta­neous adjust­ments, pub­lic hol­i­days, com­pa­ny hol­i­days, sea­son­al effects and oth­er reg­u­lar­i­ties. Our algo­rithms con­tin­u­ous­ly learn and gen­er­ate pre­cise rec­om­men­da­tions even under con­stant­ly chang­ing con­di­tions.

Monitor im Wald mit Diagramm

Factors and dependencies in resource planning

For resource plan­ning, s.demand con­sid­ers var­i­ous fac­tors and depen­den­cies:
  1. Order and pro­duc­tion data
  2. Cus­tomer behav­iour
  3. Machine states
  4. Mar­ket sit­u­a­tion and polit­i­cal cli­mate
  5. Prod­ucts and raw mate­ri­als
  6. Inter­nal com­pa­ny process­es
  7. Staff avail­abil­i­ty
  8. Pub­lic hol­i­days
  9. Com­pa­ny hol­i­days
  10. Sea­son­al effects and oth­er reg­u­lar­i­ties
At a glance

The benefits of

The AI-sup­port­ed soft­ware solu­tion s.demand offers many advan­tages:

  1. greater plan­ning cer­tain­ty, e.g. for mate­ri­als pro­cure­ment and per­son­nel man­age­ment
  2. increased resource effi­cien­cy, e.g. through effec­tive ware­house opti­mi­sa­tion
  3. improved deliv­ery reli­a­bil­i­ty — impor­tant for just-in-time pro­duc­tions
  4. demand/quantity con­trol, e.g. by com­par­ing the fore­cast with the per­son­al assess­ment
How it works

s.demand in a nutshell

Time series data:

  • ERP order data
  • his­tor­i­cal sales data
  • ener­gy data

Data from sprecial effects:

  • event data (hol­i­day, pub­lic hol­i­days, bridge days, etc.)

Our solutions for optimised resource and demand planning:

  • iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of rel­e­vant influ­ences of plan­ning vari­ables
  • inclu­sion and eval­u­a­tion of exoge­nous infor­ma­tion
  • point fore­casts for dif­fer­ent required quan­ti­ties in cur­rent and future projects
  • auto­mat­ed response to struc­turals changes and spe­cial effects


  • cus­tomised appli­ca­tion pro­gram­ming inter­face (API) for planned deriva­tions
  • planned coclu­sions about oper­a­tional data for near real-time insights
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Do you have ques­tions?

Do you have ques­tions about our prod­ucts? Con­tact us to book an appoint­ment. Our team will be hap­py to advise you per­son­al­ly or via email.

statmath Mitarbeiter Matthias
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Then it’s time to fol­low us:

Alexander Hoffmann
“AI-pow­ered fore­casts can make cor­po­rate demand plan­ning much more effec­tive, result­ing in improved deliv­ery reli­a­bil­i­ty of prod­ucts, more accu­rate sales fore­casts, bet­ter man­aged stock lev­els and high­er over­all prod­uct prof­itabil­i­ty.”
Dr. Alexan­der Hoff­mann
ifm stat­math gmbh Man­ag­ing Direc­tor